Let's Get Started
Did you buy the vehicle new or used?NewUsed
When you bought the vehicle, did it come with a warranty?YesNo
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How many times have you taken the vehicle to a dealer for repairs?1 time2 times3 times4 times5 times6 times7 times8 times9 times10 or more times
Have you ever had to bring your vehicle back to repair something that was not properly fixed the first time?YesNo
Did the vehicle's problems start during the warranty period (if applicable)?YesNo
Has the vehicle been out of service for more than 30 days?YesNo
Were you told by the dealer that they cannot fix the problem?YesNo
Has your vehicle needed repairs to its major components?YesNo
Are you aware of any Recalls or Technical Service Bulletins for your vehicle?YesNo
Show me my score and evaluation
What Your Score Means: 0-60 Points It does not appear from the information you have submitted that you currently qualify for lemon law relief. However, every case is different and we recommend that you submit your case for a free review so we may more thoroughly assess your potential case and determine if you qualify for any other consumer protections laws, such as claims for consumer fraud. 61-80 Points It’s quite likely you have a Good case, worth pursuing with a Free Case Review. 81-100 Points Strong case. You should contact us for a Free Case Review.
This quick evaluation is based on the information you provided, and is not legal advice. Remember, every case is different.That is why you owe it to yourself to take the next step, and get a Free Case Review from an experienced professional at Krohn & Moss, Ltd. Consumer Law Center®. Let us assess your unique information in the context of state and federal law.Simply fill in your name, state, email address and phone number below, and click on the SEND button. Your contact information will be sent to us, along with the answers to your questions. One of our representatives will contact you generally within 24 hours. Again, there is no cost or obligation.Let’s end your lemon trouble once and for all. We’ve handled over 45,000 lemon law cases — and 99% have settled before ever going to trial. And you pay NO attorneys’ fees. When we win, our attorneys’ fees are paid by the auto companies.