
Unintended Acceleration In Audi 5000S – Part II

The New York area victims worked with NYPIRG to form their own organization, the Audi Victims Network were petitioning NHTSA to investigate and recall...

Unintended Acceleration in Audi 5000S – Part I

New generation of defects for a new generation of high technology cars- unintended acceleration in Audi 5000S The Audi 5000S, considered to be one of ...

Floor Mat Interference – Toyota Emulates Audi’s Unintended Acceleration

Toyota Motor will issue a recall for at least 3.8 million Toyota and Lexus vehicles. This is to fix a potential safety problem caused by a car's floor...

Cash for Clunkers- How genuine is its environmental initiative

The U.S. introduced federal Cash for Clunkers (C4C) program as the U.S. Car Allowance Rebate System (CARS). It offered consumers rebates up to $4,500 ...

Why should you avoid these Clunkers

The Cash for Clunkers (C4C) program was very popular when it started in late July and quickly burned through its $1 billion in funding, and Congress a...

Who Is David And Who Is Goliath Of The 21st Century Auto Industry

General Motors acquired Saab under the impression that prestigious European brands would do lots of good to its business. Chrysler bought Lamborghini ...

Endangered GM/Chrysler Dealers– Pillage Or Fire Sale

Chrysler is expected to terminate more than 1,000 of its 3,100 dealer agreements. Some estimates put the job loss at around 200,000. The GM cutbacks w...

Small Cars and the Sticker Price do not Alone Contribute to the Total Cost of Ownership

Unemployment and inflation rates have brought the sales of trucks and sport utility vehicles and the fuel-efficient smaller cars, a range of costs, li...

Attorney General puts his foot down- Chrysler drivers still entitled to state lemon law protection

Thanks to Attorney General, the drivers of Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep vehicles will retain their Lemon Law rights to compensation for defects under a de...

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