Experienced Lemon Law Attorneys

Krohn & Moss, Ltd. Consumer Law Center® was founded in 1995 by principal attorneys, Adam J. Krohn and Gregory H. Moss, with the goal of providing affordable, effective legal representation to those who have been victims of defective cars, trucks and consumer products.

Originally founded in Illinois, our firm’s uncanny success has helped us in expanding our efforts on a nationwide basis. Today, we assist consumers throughout the country.

Despite having such an extensive reach, we still believe in doing business on a close, interpersonal level with our clients. It unites the close working relationship of a small office, with the vast resources and cutting-edge facilities of an industry leader.

your lemon law rights about us Do I have a lemon? Take the Lemon Test. See if you have a lemon case in 60 seconds or less
BBB A+ Rating
2023 Complaint-Free Award Recipient
Complaint Free Award

Over 60,000 Cases Successfully Handled

Over the past two decades, our firm has been exceptionally successful. With over 60,000 cases to our name, our attorneys continue to prove why we remain a top choice when it comes to hiring a law firm concentrating in Lemon Law cases.

Our track record speaks volumes of our ability to successfully handle your case, with 99% of all cases being settled without the need to ever go to trial.

Clients often ask us how we’re able to take on cases without charging any legal fees? When we win your case, the attorneys’ fees are paid to us directly by the dealer or manufacturer.* This leaves you free of the stress of having to hire and pay for an attorney.

Focus & Dedication on Lemon Law Cases

Some law firms dabble in Lemon Law cases and consumer fraud cases, in addition to dozens of additional law practices. Krohn & Moss, Ltd. Consumer Law Center® we focus our efforts on Lemon Law claims. This dedication to a very specific field of practice, has allowed us to excel at it over many years, as evidenced by our consistently-high success rate.

Lemon Laws vary from state to state, and are uniquely complex in their definitions and statutes. Since 1995, we have been working hard to consistently learn the law on deeper levels, in order to help even more people get compensation for their defective vehicles. We have seen virtually every conceivable situation and are known for handling most cases out of court. Don’t risk going after a dealer/manufacturer alone. The process can be exhausting and time-consuming, especially if it’s something new to you, because it likely won’t be their first time.

Getting You the Settlement You Deserve

Once we’ve negotiated a settlement that is fair to you, you won’t have to worry about writing us a check.* Instead, you will receive payment for your settlement, and the legal fees will be paid directly to us by the dealer or manufacturer. Unlike some Lemon Law attorneys, you won’t have to pay us a fee if we lose your case. It’s extremely rare, but in the event that it should happen, you won’t owe us a dime.

Our Testimonials page has real feedback from real consumers who have been helped by the attorneys at Krohn & Moss, Ltd. Consumer Law Center® and we encourage you to read and learn how we’ve helped others.

** If you are awarded a repurchase of your vehicle or a replacement through settlement or arbitration that does not include a provision for payment of attorneys’ fees, you may be required to pay for the attorneys’ fees incurred should you accept such an award.

Meet the Lawyers

Of Counsel Attorneys

Name State(s) Email Address
Brandon M Walker Alabama brandonwalker014@gmail.com
Ann Marie Garber Alaska annmarie@havenlawak.com
Christopher Barr Arizona barrlaw@barrlawfirmaz.com
Jacob Sider California jacobsider@gmail.com
Jonathan Cohen Connecticut jgcohen@yahoo.com
Timothy M. Lodge, Esq. Connecticut lodge912@aol.com
Ronald Scott Kaniuk Florida ron@kaniuklawoffice.com
Leslie K. Iczkovitz Hawaii les@laserenergyworks.com
Dane Schumann Iowa djschumann@gmail.com
Kenneth J. Weiland Jr. Iowa weilandlaw@yahoo.com
Nicole Forsythe Kansas nicole@forsythelawoffice.com
Christopher D. Matchett Louisiana matchlex@live.com
Harold M. Wheelahan, III (Sonny) Louisiana wheelahanh@gmail.com
Douglas F. Jennings, Esq. Maine dfjlaw@live.com
Deborah Grace Van Bergen, Esq. Maryland deborah.vanbergen@cavtel.net
Duncan Keir Maryland dkeir@fixedcostlaw.com
Edward Price Maryland eprice@fixedcostlaw.com
Duncan S. Keir Maryland Duncan@elvilleassociates.com
David R. Jackowitz, Shaevel & Krems, LLP Massachusetts djackowitz@shaevelkrems.com
Scott D. Carman Massachusetts scarman@kjcllp.com
Christopher Hunter Michigan chunter@bauerhunter.com
Megan M. Patrick, Esq. Mississippi meganpittmn@yahoo.com
Sean Bracken Montana sean@brackenlegal.com
Joe Howard Nebraska jhoward@dornanlustgarten.com
Mitchel Tarter, Esquire New Jersey m.tarter@lawyer.com
Todd Olsen Ohio tolsen@consumerlawcenter.com
James Levine Oklahoma jlevine@levinelawokc.com
Kenneth P. Dobson Oregon kdrieman@yahoo.com
Matthew Fabisch Rhode Island mlfabisch@yahoo.com
Adam J. Combies, Esq. Rhode Island acombies@combieshanson.com
Chauntel Bland, Esquire South Carolina chauntel.bland@yahoo.com
Brandon Loggins Tennessee brandon.loggins@gmail.com
Anthony Green Texas attorneyanthonytonygreen@gmail.com
Paul Lydolph III, Esq Utah paullydolph@yahoo.com
Steve Crawley Utah steven@crawleylaw.net
Brian Michael O’Laughlin Virginia brian@olaughlinlaw.com
Frank Webb Virginia frank.webb@gmail.com
Richard J. Symmes Washington richard@symmeslaw.com
Randy Branitsky, Esq Washington rbranitsky@gmail.com
Mike Bailey West Virginia mbailey@baileyhowardlaw.com
J.D. Haas Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wisconsin jdhaas@jdhaas.com

Do You Have A Lemon?

We’ve put together a simple, effective evaluator to help you determine whether or not you have a lemon.

Do I have a lemon? Take the Lemon Test. It Takes Only 60 seconds!
Lemon Law For New and Used Cars
Real Clients, Real Results

Recognitions and Resources

Krohn & Moss, Ltd. Consumer Law Center® is pleased to comply with state regulations concerning client statements and testimonials:

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The information in this section contains information about the lawyer/firm’s past results, testimonials about the lawyer/firm, and statements regarding the lawyer/firm’s quality. The information has not been reviewed or approved by Bar Associations of the states in which the law firm practices.

The facts and circumstances of your case may differ from the matters in which results and testimonials have been provided.

All results of cases handled by the lawyer/firm are not provided and not all clients have given testimonials.

The results and testimonials provided are not necessarily representative of results obtained by the lawyer/firm or of the experience of all clients or others with the lawyer/firm. Past results are no guarantee of future results. Every case is different, and each client’s case must be evaluated and handled on its own merits.

The testimonials or endorsements do not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of your legal matter.